We are a bilingual church, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, dedicated to helping people find and live in the freedom of an everyday relationship with God. Services begin Sunday at 11:00am at our Charlotte campus.
We are committed to building strong families and creating a place where people from all walks of life can build real relationships. You don’t have to dress up, clean up, or pretend to be anyone other than who you are. Just show up, grab some coffee, relax, and enjoy!

We live by five core values…
Geese fly in formation, united in focus and purpose. Each goose contributes to the whole and the formation would be incomplete without each one. That’s true for us, but sometimes a goose becomes tired or wounded and has to drop out of formation. When this happens, another goose flies alongside, offering encouragement and presence. That’s true for us as well. We move in unity but we take care of each other.
God has given Camino two things that are notable: a spirit of daring and adventure, and great richness of ethnic and national diversity! He has imprinted those things into our soul, so we are always willing to go places other churches would not go and do things other churches would not do, even at risk to ourselves.
For years, we were told that the United States was a melting pot, where diversity and uniqueness was boiled away. Not true. Then we were told that we were a salad bowl, where everyone was tossed together. Also not true. Jesus says that we are to be all about unity over diversity. So we are soup – every ethnicity and nationality and race brings its own ingredients to the mix, as one unified dish!
A relationship with Jesus is not about solemnity, though there will be solemn times. It’s not about anger or fear. It’s about laughter. We laugh because of the joy a relationship with Christ gives us, and we laugh in the face of danger and uncertainty because we have experienced the freedom of an everyday relationship with God. We know he will work all things together for good.
The act of recycling can be defined as “passing through a series of changes to make something new again.” In today’s world we live in a “replaceable” culture. When our clothes tear, we don’t mend them with a needle or thread, we throw them away. However, at Camino, we don’t replace—we recycle. That goes for people, places, things, and even relationships. We give second chances because we respect and embrace the value of all people.
Meet the Team
Rusty Price
Lead Pastor
Elton Perdomo
Associate Pastor
Steve Sellers
Executive Pastor
Cassandra O'Neal
Minister of Worship
Kirsten Harding
Director of Children’s Ministries
Ben Price
Director of Circles
Sandra Nataren
Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry
Luis Hernandez
Music Minister